Montessori Learning Center
School Policies
Private School Standards and Policies | Montessori Learning Center
Arrival time
- Students must arrive on time.
- PreK-8th arrival time is 8:30am with a grace period of 15mins.
- Preschool Arrival time is 9:00am with a grace period of 15mins.
After gates lock, we do not accept students from the front door of the building.
**Any students arriving late will not be allowed to enter the school building.
**If your child is unable to attend school, please notify MLC via email at: info@mlcschool.net or he/she will be marked absent without a proper excuse. Please do not text message teachers or staff.
Departure/Student Pick up:
Students need to be picked up at or before 2:30pm Monday through Thursday and Fridays at or before 12:15pm.
There shall be 5-7min grace period.
After 10mins of Late pick up, $20 Fee applies.
After $30mins-$60 Fee applies.
Progress Reports and Report Cards
1. Students in grades K-5th will receive a progress report with notes from their teacher on all subjects and conduct.
2. Students grades 6-8th will receive a Report Card. Each Student should achieve a grade (or its equivalent) of “B-” or better for promotion
3. Students should complete all homework and class work at designated times.
4. Students should complete required assignments on designated “Home School Days.”
5. Students shall have assigned reading pages and minutes depending on grade level.
6. Students should always use proper language in school.
If a student is caught using bad language of any kind toward another student, a teacher or a class in general, we will write down what was said and immediately notify parent/guardian.
As a consequence, student may not be allowed to have free time or any fun activities planned for that day.
7. If student has bad behavior and or bad academic traits, here is the plan of recovery:
1. Teacher has already spoken to the parent and brought up issues of behavior or homework not being completed.
2. Talk with parent (s) did not follow and student still has the same behaviors with no improvement
A student who qualifies for “Academic Redemption” will:
1. Express a desire to change.
2. Reflect on the need to change and set goals for a course of recovery.
3. Meet current deadlines.
4. Meet workplace standards.
5. Manifest a cooperative attitude toward teachers and classmates.
6. Involve parents in the process.
7. Go to private tutoring.
8. Contribute to the school community. In addition to completing current work according to plan, the student must remedy past failure through appropriate work on a project agreed upon with the teacher. This project does not guarantee moving up a grade level. It is just to express commitment.
1. Electronics may not be used for personal use at school anytime.
2. The first time a student is caught with an electronic device, the device is taken away by the teacher/administrator.
3. The device may be picked up by the student at the end of the day.
4. The second time the student is caught with an electronic device, the device is taken away by the teacher/administrator.
The device will be labeled with the student’s name and the date the device was taken.
-The device will then be given to administration.
-The device must be picked up in person by the parent at the end of the day.
It is Against the law to record Students and Teachers without their consent. Therefore, if any student brings any device to records inside and in any part of our school, there will be consequences, either suspension or expulsion.
Teachers and staff at MLC have parent consent to photograph (and take short videos of) students with the sole purpose of sharing with parents and sometimes using the photos on our website. But we could not do this without permission. Therefore, the consequences are as such:
1. Audio and/or video recording of any children or teacher at any time without permission= 1 week suspension that will go on student’s record and possible expulsion from the school.
California is a two-party consent state meaning that the recorder needs the permission of all parties to a conversation in order for the recording to be lawful.
California Legislative Information Code Section 632C Invasion of Privacy
More specifically, under California’s Education code, it is a misdemeanor for anyone to record what goes on in a classroom without the consent of the teacher and administration.
(An exception would be if there are clear signs posted specifying that people are allowed to record the lectures for educational purposes).
*Any other devices that are a potential danger or harm are prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to drones, UAV’s, remote controlled electronics, and any other device that may disrupt the educational environment. 
*No secret video or audio recordings are allowed to be taken on the school’s premises, by any person, this includes but is not limited to, students, staff, volunteers etc.
The school is NOT liable for any electronics.
Items brought from home
No toys or any items other than what is necessary or asked to be brought from home will be allowed in the school. Backpack should only contain school materials and parents should check that nothing else arrives at the school. Personal items from home, including toys, noisy or disruptive items will be confiscated and a parent or guardian will need to pick those items up.
In case that a student brings a dangerous/intoxicating item from home, the consequences are listed below under “SEVERE CLAUSE”.
It is the responsibility of adults in care of the students to check their backpack before school arrival.
1. Students will lose workplace standard points for being tardy.
2. Teacher discretion determines when a student is tardy. However, the start of classes will be announced. In most cases, once a classroom door closes, the student will be considered tardy.
At MLC, if our gates are locked, we do not accept any more students for the day.
1. Student will be given an absent mark. Student will lose points on their workplace standards grade.
2. Attendance must be turned in on time by the classroom teacher. The office will handle skipping procedures after class attendance has been sent.
3. The length of time between a tardy and skipping is open to teacher discretion.
4. Once a teacher determines the student is skipping class, the teacher will write a referral for the student, contact the office, and send the student to the office with his or her referral.
5. Parent is notified every time their student is skipping.
6. Parent must accompany their student to school for re-admittance.
Appointments/need to leave class early:
1. Students must provide written documentation from parent or appropriate adult to office on the morning of the appointment.
Late Afternoon Pickup:
1. Parents are expected to pick up their student(s) promptly at the completion of the school day. Any pick-ups occurring after an established grace period will be subject to applicable late fees. If there is an emergency, parents must advise the school as soon as possible so alternate arrangements can be made.
Absent from school:
1. Student must have note or parent contact Administration prior or as soon as it is known that student will be absent.
2. Consequences for Unexcused Absences (explained under “Skipping”)
3. Absences:
1. Excused: These must be approved by administration. Student will be marked as absent in the attendance record.
2. Unexcused: After 5 unexcused absences in a marking period, the school will schedule a parent meeting.
Reporting Misconduct
All instructional personnel, educational support employees and administrators are required as a condition of employment to complete training on these standards of ethical conduct.
Reporting Misconduct by Instructional Personnel and Administrators
All employees and administrators have an obligation to report misconduct by instructional personnel and school administrators, which affect the health, safety, or welfare of a student. Examples of misconduct include obscene language, drug and alcohol use, disparaging comments, prejudice or bigotry, sexual innuendo, cheating or testing violations, physical aggression, and accepting or offering favors.
Reports of misconduct of administrators should be made to Ms. gaby at g.loporto@mlcschool.net or Suhail Abdullah at Suhail.abdullah@gmail.com
Reporting Child Abuse, Abandonment or Neglect
All employees, educational support employees and administrators and agents have an affirmative duty to report all actual or suspected cases of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect.
Mandated Reporters on campus: Ms. Viviana g. Lo Porto, Mr. Ruman Mohammad, Mrs. Zohra Munawar.
Reporters of abuse to Mandated Reporters: Mrs. Sara Alomari, Ms. Aneqa Ishaaq
Signs of Physical Abuse
The child may have unexplained bruises, welts, burns, other injuries, or broken bones. A child experiencing physical abuse may seem withdrawn or depressed, seem afraid to go home, may run away, shy away from physical contact, be aggressive, or wear inappropriate clothing to hide injuries.
Signs of Sexual Abuse
The child may have torn, stained or bloody underwear, trouble walking or sitting, pain or itching in the genital area, or a sexually transmitted disease. A child experiencing sexual abuse may have mutual knowledge of sex or act seductively, fear a particular person, seem withdrawn or depressed, gain or lose weight suddenly, shy away from physical contact, or run away from home.
Signs of Neglect
The child may have unattended medical needs, little or no supervision at home, poor hygiene, or appear underweight. A child experiencing neglect may be frequently tired or hungry, steal food, or appear overly needy for adult attention.
Patterns of Abuse
Serious abuse usually involves a combination of factors. While a single sign may not by significant, a pattern of physical or behavioral signs is a serious indicator and should be reported.
Liability Protections
Any person, official, or institution participating in good faith in any act authorized or required by law or reporting in good faith any instance of child abuse, abandonment or neglect to the department of any law enforcement agency, shall be immune from any civil or criminal liability which might otherwise result by reason of such action.
All staff working at MLC has undergone and passed a background check, attained a CPR and first aid 2-year certification status, has been either personally trained, certified, and has ample experience in working with children
Volunteers working with children who are over 18 also need to pass a background check.
The following will result in immediate consequences:
1. Acts of violence against teachers or students, including fighting or ANY unsolicited physical contact
2. Verbal abuse and/or threats against teachers or students
3. Theft
4. Vandalism – includes Academy property, teacher and student personal property
5. Unexcused absence from class
6. Leaving campus without permission includes lunchtime, break, field trips, and any class or school activity that has not been cleared with the teacher(s) by parent and/or school administration
7. Use of drugs or alcohol at any time
8. Sexual Harassment, sexual talk
9. Bullying of students, teachers or any staff members
Severe Clause:
1. Student will be immediately suspended for a period, or immediate expulsion will be applied, as determined by administration
2. Parents will be notified and required to attend a meeting before student is admitted back to school
Dress Code:
The dress code of Montessori Learning Center is based upon teaching modesty and appropriateness in an educational environment. It is the intention of the dress code to enable the students to learn in an acceptable academic environment.
Colors are: White, Beige, Navy blue (sweaters/jackets), Black (School Shirts)
1. Cleanliness is the most important in body and clothing
(please check that student arrives to school with clean clothes, clipped AND clean nails, brushed teeth, clean hair, clean clothes, clean and untorn socks, no holes on any clothing or shoes, if shoes have shoe laces, student must be able to tie them so they don’t drag all over the school)
If any of these can not be satisfied, you must contact administration with a legitimate reason: Ms. gaby at: g.loporto@mlschool.net Your student will be marked down for the day and you will receive a personal notification.
2. No sunglasses indoors
3. No shoes with wheels
4. Must be able to see eyes – no hoodies or hats covering the face
5. Hijabs are encouraged but not required during school day (Only required for prayer)
6. Nail polish is permitted for girls (not encouraged) very light colors only-any distracting colors will have to be removed by parents immediately. Fake nails and eyelashes are not allowed.
7. No sharp objects on clothing or accessories
8. No nudity of any degree
9. No holes on socks
10. No baggy clothing (no long pants or long sweaters or shirts that hands can't be seen)
11. Inappropriate body art must be covered up (including any tatoos of any kind, anything written on the body-
****Henna or any other distracting items written on the body must be covered to attend school
12. No gang flags (bandanas) and no gang related material
*There is teacher discretion as to what constitutes disruptive or distracting clothing.
All of these rules are subject to teacher and Administration’s discretion.
If student violates dress code, that student will need to be picked up or a change of clothes must be delivered.